Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Second round

Our excitement of flying into the Khumbu region was shredded entirely when after waiting at the airport for over 2 hours the airline decided to cancel all flights. But looking at it from the bright side, it gave us the opportunity to acquire some additional gear in Thamel and the trash bags we had forgotten to buy previously.

Above all, coincidences brought some happy times consequence of the events at the airports. As we were cuing to get in the airport, we met two lovely girls, also Dartmouth graduates, Liz Spence '08 and Mandy Dauten '08. We met later on in the night for some delicious Dhaal Bat and apricot shisha. It was a lovely evening where Liz Embick also got to join us for a while.

Mike and Liz Spence sitting on the cushions at a lovely rooftop cafe.

Dark, but clockwise from bottom left: Liz Embick, Mike, Liz Spence, Mandy, Mana and Brendan

We are now heading to the airport for a second attempt in getting to Lukla. If everything goes according to plan you will not be hearing from us in the next couple of weeks, but amazing stories and beautiful photos of Sam I Am will follow.

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